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ENDL 5130 DM

Courses > Upper Graduate

END5130 Decision Analysis

Course Objectives:

The main aim of this course is to structure and model decision making problems, to give a decision under uncertainty and risk, and to present decision making tools

Course Description:

Introduction to decision theory, Classification of decision making problems, Structuring and modelling decision making problems, Decision under risk and uncertainty (dominated actions, maximin, maximax, minimax, equally likelihood, criterion of realism),Techniques based on utility or value (Simple Additive Weighting, Weighted Product, TOPSIS, AHP-Utility Theory, Decision Trees), Outranking Techniques (ELECTRE and PROMETHEE), Sensitivity Analysis, Decision Support Systems

Course Books:

1. Ilker Topcu, Integrated Decision Aid Model for Multiatribute Problem Solving, PhD Thesis, ITU, 2000

2. Wayne L Wınston, Operation Research, Applications and Algorithms, Fourth Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Canada 2004

3. Michale d. Resnik, Choices an Introduction to Decision Theory, University of Minnesota Press, London 1987

4. K. Paul Yoon, Chaing-Lai Hwang, Multiple Attribute Decision Making, An Introduction, Sage Pub. California 1995

5. Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Jih-Jeng Huang, Multiple Attribute Decision Making, Methods and Applications, CRC Press 2011

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