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MM 404 PM

Courses > Graduate

MM404 Production Management

Course Objectives:

The main aim of this course is to present production systems, product design, facility location selection, production planning and control, quality control of products

Course Description:

Terminology. Production and production systems. Traditional and modern production systems. Design of production systems and plant locations selection. Plant location selection and facility planning. Organization structure of factoriesand functions of organization. Production planning and control. Quality control. Production lines and balancing. Productivity. Work security and laborer health.

Course Books:

1. Kobu, B. 1998; Uretim Yonetimi, Sekizinci Baskı, Avcıol Basim Yayin, Istanbul

2. Tekin, M. 2003; Uretim Yonetimi, Cilt: I ve II, Beta Yayinlari, Bursa

3. Stevenson, W.J. 1999; Production/Operations Management, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, USA

4. Demir, M.H. ve Gumusoglu, S. 2003; Uretim Yonetimi/Islemler Yonetimi, 6. Baskı, Beta Basim A.S., Istanbul

5. Baskak M. ve Tanyaş M., 2005; Üretim Planlama ve Kontrol, Irfan Yayincilik, Istanbul

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